Harmonised Tariff of Bangladesh Customs

Chapter 06

HeadingArticle Description
06Live trees and other plants, bulbs, roots, and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage
0601Bulbs, tubers... rhizomes; chicory plants and roots
06011000000-00-000Dormant Bulbs, Tubers... Rhizomes
06012000000-00-000Bulbs, Tubers... Rhizomes In Growth Or Flower; Chicory Plants And Roots
0602Other live plants, cuttings and slips, mushroom spawn
06021000000-00-000Unrooted Cuttings And Slips Of Plants
06022000000-00-000Trees,Shrubs,Bushes, Grafted Or Not, Of Kind Bearing Edible Fruit Or Nuts
06023000000-00-000Rhododendrons And Azaleas, Grafted Or Not
06024000000-00-000Roses, Grafted Or Not
060290**000-**-000Other Live Plants,Cutting And Slips, Mushroom Spawn
06029010000-10-000Other Live Plants,Cutting And Slips, Mushroom Spawn
06029090000-90-000Other Live Plants,Cutting And Slips, Mushroom Spawn
0603Cut flowers and flower buds for ornamental purposes, fresh, dried...etc
06031100000-00-000 Roses
06031200000-00-000 Carnations
06031300000-00-000 Orchids
06031400000-00-000 Chrysanthemums
06031500000-00-000Lilies (Lilium spp)
06031900000-00-000Cut flowers & flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental pur
06039000000-00-000Dried, Dyed, Bleached Impregnated Or Otherwise Prepared Cut Flowers & Buds
0604Other parts of plants for ornamental purposes, fresh, dried...etc
06042000000-00-000Foliage, branches and other parts of plants, without flowers .or otherwise prepared, Fr
06049000000-00-000Foliage, branches and other parts of plants, without flowers .or otherwise prepared, EX